In This Issue...
Upcoming Events
April April 3: Abstract submissions close
September September 27-30; 2023 Conference Arlington, Virginia
Join SREE for 2023
We invite you to renew your membership or join SREE for the first time in 2023 if you have not already done so. Be a part of our community of researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and organizations who seek to create and apply effectiveness research to achieve better, more equitable educational outcomes. This year, you have the option of joining for 1 or 2 years, with a discount available to those that select the two-year regular membership option. Your membership allows us to continue offering the most relevant programs and resources to those within the education research field.

SREE Announces 2023 Leadership and New Board Members
SREE is pleased to announce that beginning January 1, 2023, James Kemple, Research for Action, will begin his term as President. Lindsay Page, Brown University, will step into the role of President-Elect, and Elizabeth Stuart will become Past-President.
Norma Ming, San Francisco Unified School District, Jason Snipes, WestEd, and Matthew G. Springer, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill will be joining the Board for a three-year term.
Dania V. Francis, University of Massachusetts Boston, will begin a three-year appointment in January 2024.
SREE thanks out-going Board members Lashawn Richburg-Hayes, who is stepping down as Past-President, and Peter Schochet for their service. They both served for six years.
SREE 2023 Conference: Embedding Equity for Better Methods, Evidence, and Practice
SREE is now accepting abstract submissions for the 2023 Conference!

SREE 2023 Conference Embedding Equity for Better Methods, Evidence, and Practice
Building on the SREE 2022 conference—"From Reckoning to Racial Justice: Centering Underserved Communities in Research on Educational Effectiveness”—the SREE 2023 conference theme is about truly embedding equity into our research and practice. Doing so may require expanding our notion of what counts as evidence for decision making. We contend that doing so is the right thing for science and for society.
In support of the content of this theme, we are also updating the format of SREE conference sessions to facilitate the kinds of discussions we hope to have. Read more here.
Constance Lindsay, University North Carolina - Chapel Hill Laura Peck, Abt Associates SREE 2023 Conference Program Co-Chairs
Call for Papers Timeline
February 1, 2023: Abstract submissions open April 3, 2023: Abstract submissions close June 27, 2023: Decision notifications sent June 27, 2023: Preliminary program online June 27, 2023: Registration opens August 25, 2023: Early registration deadline
Submit an Abstract Presentation Formats Paper Types & Review Criteria Submission Procedures Program Limit
SREE Receives Significant Multi-Year Investments
The Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness is pleased to announce it has been awarded a $600,000 three-year grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to expand and diversity the field of education researchers, in addition to $296,749 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to continue, expand, and build on the culturally responsive and equitable evaluation initiative over the next two years.
Funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will build and support the pipeline of education researchers from traditionally under-represented backgrounds through a mentored meeting initiative and enhanced Researchers of Color programming. SREE will also provide members with high quality professional development in culturally responsive and equitable evaluation by offering additional training opportunities on basic foundational knowledge of CREE. Lastly, SREE will offer increased opportunities to engage in DEI initiatives at the SREE conference.
The funding from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative will allow SREE to expand the population of educational researchers, with an emphasis on engaging individuals from backgrounds that have historically been underrepresented in academia and research. Given the current lack of diversity in the research community, SREE believes it is necessary to focus on building bridges with new communities that have not historically been engaged in SREE and to focus on the pipeline of the next generation of researchers. This will be achieved by engaging in intensive, authentic planning work over three years, which includes:
- Participating in an external diversity and equity audit.
- Introducing students to the benefits and importance of the educational research field through the launch of an undergraduate internship.
- Collaborating with Historically Black College and University (HBCU) and Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Students and Faculty to support SREE membership and field expansion and diversification efforts.
- Creating a Mentorship Program to support early career professionals who are seeking, and have not previously independently secured, major research funding.
For more information on the investments from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, contact us at [email protected].
Hedges Lecture Nominations Now Open

The Hedges Lecture is a much-anticipated highlight of the yearly SREE conference. Offered by an individual who has made notable contributions to methods in education research, the lecture challenges the audience to think more critically, deeply, and expansively about the methods we use. The lecture bears the name of Larry Hedges to honor his work in advancing research methods in education and social science and his part in founding the Society, which supports continuous improvement in the field.
The SREE board of directors is requesting nominations for the 2023 Hedges Lecturer. In making your nomination, please consider the individual's:
- Contributions to advancing research methods in education
- Potential for offering an engaging, thought-provoking lecture
- Involvement with SREE
Please submit your nomination here. You will be asked to provide the name of your nominee, why they deserve this honor, and why you think they would give an engaging lecture.
The deadline is March 15, 2023.
The SREE 2023 Conference, Embedding Equity for Better Methods, Evidence, and Practice, will be held September 27 - 30 at the Renaissance Arlington Capitol View Hotel in Arlington, Virginia.
US Department of Education Seeking Input on Higher Education Act evaluation set-aside and programs and NCER R&D Centers
Higher Education Act (HEA) Evaluation The U.S. Department of Education has issued a notice in the Federal Register soliciting input from the field on potential evaluation, data collection, and analysis activities that would increase knowledge about, and improve the administration of, programs authorized under the HEA, and build evidence of effective practices to improve student outcomes. The information will be used to inform a new evaluation set-aside of HEA authorized programs. SREE members that work in higher education are encouraged to read the notice and provide information. (Please note an updated docket ID in this correction issued by ED on January 13.) The deadline to submit comments is February 17, 2023.
National Center on Education Research (NCER) R&D Centers The U.S. Department of Education has issued a separate notice in the Federal Register soliciting input on what research topics the National Center for Education Research NCER Centers should be examining. NCER, a center within the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), is charged with sponsoring sustained research that will lead to the accumulation of knowledge and understanding of the key issues facing education in the 21st century. The deadline to submit comments is March 6, 2023.
Spotlight on SREE Members

Institutional Member Corner: Harvard Strategic Data Project
Are you looking for the next step in your career? Use your data skills to inform on-the-ground decisions to improve student outcomes and make a measurable difference in education. Join the Strategic Data Project Fellowship at the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University, where you’ll work directly within an education organization as a full-time employee, receiving intensive professional development and mentorship from our network of more than 500 education data leaders to execute key analytic projects and grow professionally as a data strategist.
Curious about projects fellows have taken on? Learn how one fellow took on a community-based approach to use data to address truancy in her organization’s local school district, or how one fellow streamlined data to track language development in early childhood.
The Strategic Data Project Fellowship is currently seeking applicants for Cohort 15 (Fall 2023 – Summer 2025) for various fellowship locations across the United States, including North Carolina, Georgia, Delaware, California, and more (note: locations are subject to change and more will be added throughout the application cycle!)
If you’re looking for an impactful career as an education data strategist, be sure to apply before our March 23rd deadline. To learn more, register for our next informational webinar on Friday, February 17th at 12:00pm ET, featuring current fellow Emily Gell and fellow alumnus, Steve Cartwright.
If others in your network (advisees, colleagues, etc.) would benefit from joining the Strategic Data Project network and bringing their quantitative talent directly to the school systems that need it most, please forward this information along!
Job Board
Education Data Analyst / Data Strategist (CA, DE, GA, NJ, MD, NC + more)
Strategic Data Project - Cambridge, MA
Posted: Feb 7, 2023
Salary: $75,000.00 - $90,000.00 Annually
Application Deadline: Mar 23, 2023
Research Associate
Duke University - Durham, NC
Posted: Dec 2, 2022
Application Deadline: N/A