January-February 2022 Newsletter
In This Issue...
- Upcoming Events
- SREE 2022 Conference: From Reckoning to Racial Justice: Centering Underserved Communities in Research on Educational Effectiveness
- Call for Nominations - 2022 Hedges Lecture
- SREE is seeking editorial nominations for the Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness
- Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation Learning Opportunities in 2022
- Critical Perspectives in Quantitative Methods Series: All Else Being Equal (When It's Not Equal): Applying Theories on Race in Quantitative Models and Research
- Strategic Plan Update
- 2022 Unconference on Open Scholarship Practices in Education Research
- Institutional Member Corner: American Institutes for Research
- On the Job Market? Check the SREE Job Board
Upcoming Events

All Else Being Equal (When It's Not Equal): Applying Theories on Race in Quantitative Models and Research Richard Blissett, University of Georgia February 25 at 2:00pm - 3:00pm ET This is the second webinar in the Critical Perspectives in Quantitative Methods Series. Registration is required and open to all at no cost. Register here.
Foundations of Data Equity Workshop Office Hours Office Hours: March 4, March 25, and April 29th at 1 PM ET Watch the recorded three-part workshop and participate in live conversations on the content with We All Count staff.
Sip with SREE ROC March 10 at 4:00pm - 4:45 pm ET Researchers of color and allies are welcome to join the SREE-ROC community on the second Thursday of each month to network, collaborate, ask questions, and connect with one another. Bring your beverage of choice! Register here to receive the link to join.
Critical Perspectives in Quantitative Methods Series: Webinar 3 Matt Diemer, University of Michigan and Axia Marchand, Rhodes College May 20 at 2:00pm - 3:00pm ET Save the date! More information coming soon.
Advancing the Data Equity Framework Workshop (Part 2 of SREE’s CREE training) CREE Part 2 Training: June 7, June 14 from 1:00pm - 4:00pm E This live, online workshop is designed for people who have completed the Foundations of Data Equity workshop. We will dive deeper into the nuances of how to apply the Data Equity Framework to your work as well as look at a wider variety of potential applications.
SREE 2022 Conference: From Reckoning to Racial Justice: Centering Underserved Communities in Research on Educational Effectiveness September 21 - 24, 2022 Renaissance Arlington Capitol View Hotel, Arlington, Virginia
Career & Academic Disruptions due to COVID Date: TBA Be on the lookout for more information on this panel discussion. This event is brought to you by SREE Researchers of Color and is sponsored by MDRC.

September 21 - 24, 2022 in Arlington, Virginia
Nathan Jones and Saroja Warner are the 2022 Conference Program Co-Chairs. Jones is an Associate Professor of Special Education and a founding member of the Faculty of Computing and Data Sciences at Boston University. Warner is the Director for Talent Development and Diversity at WestEd, where her work focuses on ensuring each child experiences teaching and learning in classrooms and schools led by diverse and culturally responsive educators.
Jones and Warner have been busy preparing for the conference by selecting a theme and assembling an outstanding set of section chairs. The section chairs are responsible for recruiting reviewers and overseeing the review process for their particular area.
2022 section chairs are:
- Early Childhood Education: Meghan McCormick, MDRC
- Postsecondary Education: Shaun Dougherty, Vanderbilt University
- Education in Global Contexts: Ha Yeon Kim, New York University
- Academic Learning in Education Settings: Robert Ochsendorf, National Science Foundation
- Social and Emotional Learning in Educational Settings: Carly Robinson, Brown University
- Teachers and School Leaders: Constance Lindsay, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
- Organization of Schools and Systems: Allison Atteberry, University of Virginia
- Use of Research Evidence across Settings: Cara Jackson, Abt Associates
- Research Methods: Vivian Wong, University of Virginia
Get Your Abstracts Ready! SREE will begin accepting abstracts for the conference later this week. You will receive an email when submissions are open.
The Hedges Lecture is a much-anticipated highlight of the yearly SREE conference. Offered by an individual who has made notable contributions to methods in education research, the lecture challenges the audience to think more critically, deeply, and expansively about the methods we use. The lecture bears the name of Larry Hedges to honor his work in advancing research methods in education and social science and his part in founding the Society, which supports continuous improvement in the field.
The SREE board of directors is requesting nominations for the 2022 Hedges Lecturer. In making your nomination, please consider the individual's:
- Contributions to advancing research methods in education
- Potential for offering an engaging, thought-provoking lecture
- Involvement with SREE.
Please submit your nomination here. You will be asked to provide the name of your nominee, why they deserve this honor, and why you think they would give an engaging lecture. The deadline is March 15.
The Board of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE) invites applications and nominations for the editorship of the Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, for a three-year term, 2023-2025.
Applications and nominations may be of individuals or of editorial teams. The current structure involves an Editor in Chief and 4 Co-Editors, one or two for each of the three journal areas. However, new editors or editorial teams could suggest an alternate structure.
The SREE Board encourages participation by members of underrepresented groups in the publication process and would particularly welcome such nominees for the Editorship. Self-nominations also are encouraged.
The full call with more information on the Journal, the editorial role, and the nomination process can be found here. Nominations are due by March 31, 2022.
In 2022, SREE is pleased to build upon the Culturally Responsive & Equitable Evaluation (CREE) training it offered last fall and offer opportunities for those who wish to take the introductory workshop as well as those ready to diver deeper.
Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation Workshop Office Hours: March 4, March 25, and April 29th at 1 PM ET Did you miss the fall training and would like to learn about CREE? Watch the workshop recordings and engage in live office hours with SREE’s training partner, We All Count. During the 3-part training, researchers learned how to make their research and evaluations more culturally responsive, inclusive, and equitable. The workshop included steps researchers can take at every stop of the research process-from formulation of the research question through dissemination. Register to take the class by watching the recordings, and then engage in live learning opportunities with the trainers once a month. The March office hour session will focus primarily but not exclusively, on Part 1 of the training, while the April office hours will focus primarily on Part 2. If you know that you want to take the deeper dive, be sure to complete the workshop prior to June!
Advancing the Data Equity Framework: June 7 & June 14 from 1:00pm - 4:00pm ET This live, online workshop is designed for people who have completed the Foundations of Data Equity workshop. We will dive deeper into the nuances of how to apply the Data Equity Framework to your work as well as look at a wider variety of potential applications.
Community of Practice SREE is pleased to offer an online community if practice that is currently in the works. Please stayed tuned to your email for more information.
Richard Blissett, University of Georgia February 25 at 2:00pm - 3:00pm ET
The purpose of this discussion is to emphasize the role of critical consciousness in quantitative research design and communication, as well as to integrate critical perspectives on race and racism into practical decisions about the conduct of quantitative research that seeks to account for race (e.g., regression). Richard Blissett is an Assistant Professor of educational policy in the department of Lifelong Education, Administration, and Policy at the University of Georgia. Their research primarily focuses on attitudes and ideologies in the politics of educational equity and justice, as well as the spaces in which public ideologies translate into policy action. Work in this area has included research on democratic structures in education governance (particularly, school boards) as well as anti-racism activism and social movements in education. They are also the principal investigator of the Democracy and Equity in Education Politics research group, and the principal coordinator for the Just Education Policy institute.
This is the second webinar in the Critical Perspectives in Quantitative Methods Webinar Series. SREE is co-hosting the series with the Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP), the American Educational Research Association – Division L, and the Council on Public Policy in Higher Education (CPPHE), a Council of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE). The webinars will be recorded and available for public viewing.
Registration is required and open to all at no cost. Register here.
The SREE Board has kicked off 2022 by reviewing the organization’s bylaws and relationship with its affinity groups with the strategic plan’s goals in mind. The questions at top of mind are: How can we create more opportunities for community involvement? Do SREE’s bylaws and policies promote inclusion? How can SREE best support its affinity groups and create community for its members? The Board looks forward to sharing the updated document with the community in the next few months!

2022 Unconference on Open Scholarship Practices in Education Research

The Center for Open Science is excited to announce the new and revised agenda for the 2022 Unconference on Open Scholarship Practices in Education Research! The virtual unconference will be held Feb 24 and 25. Registration is offered free of charge thanks to support from the NSF. Recently COS made the difficult decision to discontinue in-person content for the 2022 unconference. However, the exciting virtual content builds strongly upon the success of last year's virtual unconference and we hope you will join us for this exciting event. Register now and join us to collaborate, learn, and share as we advance open science practices in education research Featured content includes the following Deep Dive sessions on open practices:
Institutional Member Corner: American Institutes for Research
AIR Equity Initiative Roundtable: Register and Invite Your Networks

For 75 years, AIR has used evidence to improve lives. Over the next five, we’re investing $100M toward addressing systemic inequities through our AIR Equity Initiative. Join us on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 2-3 p.m. ET for a roundtable discussion, “Bridges to Equity: Making Diverse Perspectives in Research, Policy, and Technical Assistance the Norm.”
This will be a dynamic discussion examining how to reduce biases and promote diversity and inclusion both within organizations and in the grant- and policy-making processes.
We hope that you’ll attend and help us spread the word. Register today.

Job Board
FEATURED Senior Research Associate
The University of Chicago Consortium on School Research - Chicago, IL
Posted: Jan 21, 2022
Application Deadline: N/A
Evaluation Researcher
City Connects/Boston College Center for Optimized Student Support - Newton, MA
Posted: Feb 9, 2022
Application Deadline: N/A
Assistant Director for Research
Education Policy Innovation Collaborative (EPIC) College of Education Michigan State University - East Lansing, MI
Posted: Dec 10, 2021
Salary: null Annually
Application Deadline: N/A
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Education Policy Innovation Collaborative (EPIC) Michigan State University - East Lansing, MI
Posted: Dec 10, 2021
Salary: null Annually
Application Deadline: N/A