Affinity Groups

The SREE Board developed guidelines to facilitate the formation of subgroups of SREE members and encourage networking and community within the organization.

Guiding principles for Affinity Groups

Adopted May 26, 2022

 Affinity groups provide a structure for subgroups of SREE members to form into smaller groups for professional development and networking opportunities.  Such groups enable members to identify research, practice, professional development, and/or identity-based groupings for focused conversation and connections. 

This document outlines the guiding principles for their operation, including their establishment, expectations, and benefits.  The principles will be revisited after two years.

 Benefits for Affinity Groups

Formal SREE Affinity Groups can obtain:

-        Membership support from SREE staff, including:

-        A membership listing and listserv

-        Dissemination of information on activities to the SREE membership

-        Other communications support, such as upkeep of a page on the SREE website.

-        Collaboration on fundraising and resource development opportunities of mutual benefit to the Affinity Group and SREE.

-        Space and logistics support for a gathering at the Annual Meeting.


Establishment of Affinity Groups

-        Affinity Groups can be established through a petition to the board and board approval. 

-        Such petition must include:

-        A paragraph documenting the goals of the affinity group and how the group supports SREE’s vision and mission

-        A paragraph documenting possible activities for the group

-        The name and affiliation of at least 20 SREE members expressing interest in joining such an Affinity Group.

-        The name and affiliation of a set of individuals to be the initial points of contact for the establishment.


Expectations of Affinity Groups

Active Affinity Groups are expected to:

-        Annually submit a short report to the Board (by December 31) documenting

-        One to three individuals to be point people for interactions between the Affinity Group and the Board

-        A brief (1-2 paragraph) summary of activities in the past year

-        A brief (1-2 paragraph) summary of activities planned for the coming year, including identification of potential support or assistance from SREE to accomplish those activities.

-        Engage in fundraising activities only in collaboration with SREE and in particular through coordination with the SREE Executive Director. 

-        Activities of the Affinity Group must be in accordance with SREE’s bylaws, mission, values, goals, and operational guidelines.

-        If the affinity group is found in violation of any of this, or does not submit their annual report, the group will be placed on probation or may be dissolved at the discretion of the SREE Board.

  Affinity Group Membership

-        Affinity Group membership will be open to any SREE member

-        Non-SREE members are welcome to attend Affinity Group meetings and participate in events but may not be formal Affinity Group members.