2025 Summer Internship Funding for Undergraduate Students from Underrepresented Backgrounds in the Field of Education Research

SREE is pleased to be able to continue our undergraduate internship funding program. In the summer of 2025, up to 10 current undergraduate students from backgrounds and/or institutions traditionally underrepresented in the field of educational research will receive a scholarship to support their summer 2025 internships. 

Selected students will receive up to $5,000 scholarships (paid directly to the students) to support unpaid or stipended internships, and/or living expenses. 

Students are responsible for securing their own internships. 

Each student is eligible up to receive the following funding: 

  • $5,000 - 200+ hour internship (e.g., 25 hours/week for 8 weeks)

  • $3,000 - 100+ hour internship 

50% of the funds will be paid before internship commencement and 50% at the internship’s midpoint. Internship and designated supervisor must be confirmed and verified before the first installment is paid. Additional funds may also be available for travel to SREE’s annual conference in September 2023. 

Application Process and Timing

Round 1 

Students whose completed applications are received by April 11, 2025 will be notified by April 25, 2025. 

Round 2 

If funding remains after the first round of scholarships are granted:

Students whose completed applications are received by May 1, 2025 will be notified by May 15, 2025. 

Internship Funding Application

Internship Eligibility 

Students must secure a part- or full-time (at least 12 hours/week) internship with an educational research focus. The internship must be related to education research, but does not have to involve the student conducting the actual research. The student must have arranged the internship prior to applying for funding.

If you need assistance finding and applying to internships, we encourage you to visit our Institutional Partners Careers Site. Please note: applying to internships with one of our Institutional Partners is a separate application and process from this funding application, and we in no way can guarantee acceptance to any internship. 

Funding Eligibility 

Eligibility is open to students who identify as Black, Latinx, and/or from a racial or ethnic group traditionally underrepresented in the scientific workforce* and are eligible to work in the United States and submit a W9 to SREE.

Priority will be given to students attending colleges or universities designated as Minority Serving Institutions (Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, and Tribal Colleges and Universities). 

Students may be eligible to receive funding for more than one summer or semester, but priority will be given to new funding applicants. 

*The NIH’s list of racial and ethnic groups that have been shown by the National Science Foundation to be “underrepresented in the extramural scientific workforce” are included here.