2023 SectionsEarly Childhood Education The Early Childhood Education section encourages submissions that examine effects of promising education interventions and policies prior to Kindergarten, particularly at scale, and their carryover into subsequent developmental periods. This section is particularly interested in evidence demonstrating the types of academic and social/emotional knowledge that are important in early childhood, including number sense, spatial reasoning, early reading, and attention skills. Additionally, this section is interested in how learning in these areas relates to other cognitive and social developments, including support for later academic outcomes. Postsecondary Education Educational Effectiveness in Global Contexts The section on Educational Effectiveness in Global Contexts encourages submissions that explore the effectiveness of education interventions at all levels, including early childhood, primary, secondary, vocational/technical, and post-secondary education either: (a) in non-U.S. contexts or (b) with a focus on generalizability across multiple national contexts or in a global context. In the global arena, studies situated in (and/or originating from) low- and middle-income countries, as well as high-income countries other than the United States, are of particular interest. We encourage the submission of symposia and panels that pair findings from domestic and international settings as well as symposia that deliver cross-contextual lessons. Special consideration will be given to submissions that highlight the practical significance of the work and how it can inform real-time decisions in non-U.S. contexts in light of the complex demands for evidence and the implicit tensions and tradeoffs that exist in non-U.S. contexts. Academic Learning in Education Settings Social and Emotional Learning in Educational Settings The section on Social and Emotional Learning in Educational Settings encourages submissions that advance knowledge of environments, schools, classrooms, teachers, and interventions that promote social and emotional development and well-being, and shape academic, social, and health outcomes from preschool through adulthood. Studies may target a wide variety of social and emotional student and teacher factors, including mindsets, beliefs, attitudes, attributions, skills, and behaviors. Proposals that expand the discourse on social and emotional development to include the role of structures and public policy are encouraged. Teachers and School Leaders Organization of Schools and Systems Use of Research Evidence across Settings The section on the Use of Research Evidence across Settings encourages submissions that rigorously examine the practices and conditions influencing how policymakers, practitioners, and other decision-makers utilize research evidence in education or in other contexts. Methods may include qualitative and/or quantitative analyses. Research evidence here is construed as any evidence resulting from systematic inquiry, whether conducted by traditional research organizations, in partnership, or in other venues. Outcomes of interest may address the knowledge, skills, and dispositions for using research evidence, the nature of evidence use, or the consequences of using research evidence. We are especially interested in proposals that evaluate how effectively the use of research evidence leads to impact on policy and practice. Research Methods
Chair: Wendy Chan, University of Pennsylvania The Research Methods section encourages submissions that advance methods directly addressing issues in education contexts and/or disseminate the application of state-of-the-art quantitative methods. This section prioritizes work that is strongly and explicitly situated in real-world education research concerns or examples. Submitted proposals should be presented clearly and without unnecessary complexity. They should clearly articulate the benefits and trade-offs of the proposed methods as compared to current practice.
Please note that an abstract with an education policy focus should be submitted under the content area with which it most aligns.
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