Elizabeth Tipton is an Associate Professor of Statistics, Faculty Fellow at the Institute for Policy Research, and Co-Director of the Statistics for Evidence-Based Policy and Practice (STEPP) Center at Northwestern University. Her research focuses on the development of methods for improved generalizations from randomized trials – including methods for designing studies and for estimating population average treatment effects, methods for meta-analysis, and methods for cluster-robust variance estimation. She is an Associate Editor at the Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics and is on the Editorial Boards of Psychological Bulletin, Research Synthesis Methods, and Observational Studies. Her research has been funded by the Institute of Education Sciences, the National Science Foundation, the Spencer Foundation and the Raikes Foundation. She is currently co-PI on three NSF- and IES-funded workshops on meta-analysis and randomized trials, and co-developer of The Generalizer (www.thegeneralizer.org), a free webtool that researchers can use to design sample recruitment plans for randomized trials. While a member of the faculty at Teachers College, Columbia University, she received Early Career Awards from the American Education Research Association, the Society for Research Synthesis Methods, and the American Psychological Association. She received a Ph.D. in Statistics from Northwestern in 2011.
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