Summer FellowshipSREE is pleased to offer the Summer Fellows Program again this year. The purpose of this program is to connect educational researchers with philanthropic organizations seeking research information without having the time or expertise to access it and, in doing so, advance the use of high-quality education research. SREE student members will have the opportunity to spend the summer working on a 'real world' research project answering a question that the philanthropic community is asking to help inform their work. ***NOW ACCEPTING PROJECTS*** If your organization is interested in hosting a graduate student education researcher for a summer project that addresses a key research question, please fill out this form. The cost to participate is $13,000 per project. The preferred deadline to submit interest is March 10, 2025. Additional projects will be accepted until March 24, 2025. Once projects are finalized, applications will be open for students to apply.
The fellowship is open to current SREE student members* who have completed at minimum one year (preferably two years) of graduate studies, and who have not been a previous SREE fellow. Individuals who complete(d) their graduate studies in 2024 are eligible to apply. 1. Review the current projects 2. Submit an interest form 3. After completing the interest form, please send a single pdf document containing the below information to [email protected]:
2024 Fellowship Projects Anticipated Timeline April 17 - 30 Fellowship Applications Accepted - APPLICATIONS CLOSED Early May Interviews 2nd Week of May Finalists Notified June 3 – Sept 6 Fellowship Research Period
Program Overview SREE Summer Fellows will be tasked with conducting a literature review on a selected topic and creating a 1-2 page brief in plain language on that topic that can be used by foundations, practitioners, and other users in the community, as well as a more technical review for other researchers. As part of the application, the prospective Fellow should propose an aspect of the topic on which to focus his/her summer literature review. The Fellow will work virtually and under the supervision of a SREE-appointed advisor, along with the support of his/her own graduate student advisor. Fellows will commit to:
SREE will select an advisor for the student that will:
In return, Fellows will receive:
Expected Outcomes SREE and EdFunders intend for the Fellows program to have several meaningful outcomes. It will make research findings more accessible to users, will help find gaps and needs in educational research that funders need, will provide a valuable opportunity for SREE student members to use their training, and will allow those just starting in the field to make important connections that will help them in their career. The briefs will be jointly housed on SREE’s website as well as on the EdFunders website to reach divergent audiences. Summer Fellowship Webinar and Previous Projects A webinar was held on May 29, 2020 highlighting two of the 2019 fellows and projects as well as providing information on the 2020 fellowship. View the webinar slides and watch the presentation.
The LEAD Impact Group: The EdFunders Learning, Evaluation, and Data Impact Group’s mission is to support GFE members to use data, research and evaluation to improve philanthropic practice, policies and strategies. GFE envisions that the impact groups “will continue to support communities of members with a common interest who agree to work together toward a common goal.” One of the LEAD’s common goals is the Summer Fellowship Program. Current Steering Committee members include The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Helios Education Foundation, KnowledgeWorks, The Kresge Foundation, and Trellis Foundation. To learn more or to join the LEAD Impact Group, please find more information here.