2019 Sections



Research Methods
The Research Methods section encourages submissions that advance methods directly addressing issues in education contexts and/or disseminate the application of state-of-the-art quantitative methods by an in-depth demonstrative case study. This section prioritizes work that is strongly and explicitly situated in real-world education research concerns or examples. Submitted proposals should be presented clearly and without unnecessary complexity such as spurious mathematical formalism. They should clearly articulate the benefits and trade-offs of the proposed methods as compared to current practice. Consistent with the conference theme, we encourage proposals that focus on communication (visual or otherwise) of quantitative results, connecting analytic results to substantive claims and policy, and/or resolving tensions between internal validity and other statistical and decision-making criteria.

Early Childhood Education
The Early Childhood Education section encourages submissions that examine effects of promising education interventions prior to Kindergarten and their carryover into subsequent developmental periods. The section is particularly interested in evidence demonstrating the types of academic and social/emotional knowledge that are important in early childhood, including number sense, spatial reasoning, early reading, and attention skills. Additionally, the section is interested in how learning in these areas relates to other cognitive and social developments, including support for later academic outcomes. In particular, we wish to consider the state of the evidence for the research-to-practice implementation of early childhood programs, including fidelity and the sustainability of effects. Results from studies or research syntheses focused on low-achieving or atypically-developing children are encouraged as a means of assessing strategies for improving learning during early childhood and the potential for these strategies to have lasting effects. Consistent with the conference theme, we encourage proposals describing rigorous research that addresses tensions and tradeoffs in conducting research on the implementation and effects of programs.

Academic Learning in Education Settings 
The Academic Learning in Education Settings section invites proposals that examine types of instructional approaches that influence K-12 education trajectories. This section includes investigations focused on the development, implementation, and efficacy of classroom practices, as well as evaluations of specific interventions or programs. We welcome research examining instruction and instructional outcomes across content areas, including literacy, STEM, and social sciences. Results from studies or research syntheses focused on low-achieving or atypically-developing children are encouraged as a means of assessing strategies for improving academic learning from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Consistent with the conference theme, we encourage proposals describing rigorous research that addresses tensions and tradeoffs related to conducting research on the implementation and effects of programs, including fidelity and sustainability.

Social and Emotional Learning in Educational Settings
The section on Social and Emotional Learning in Educational Settings encourages submissions that advance knowledge of school climate, classroom social processes, teaching practices, and intervention programs that promote social and emotional skill development and well-being from preschool through adulthood. Studies may target a wide variety of student outcomes, including motivation and engagement, grit, growth mindset, social, emotional and self regulatory skills, behavioral functioning, and mental health. Proposals that expand the discourse on social and emotional learning to include teacher development and well-being, and their role in promoting supportive school experiences for students, are encouraged. Consistent with the conference theme, we encourage proposals describing rigorous research that addresses tensions and tradeoffs related to conducting research on the implementation and effects of programs, including fidelity and sustainability.

Effects of Education Policies
The section on the Effects of Education Policies encourages submissions designed to yield clear and specific evidence on the impact of interventions intended to improve education settings and outcomes. Findings should be supported by rigorous methods and designed to encourage communication among practitioners, policy-makers, and researchers. Evaluations of interventions that yield null findings are of interest, provided they offer useful implications for policy. Consistent with the conference theme, special consideration will be given to submissions that address the complex demands for evidence and implicit tensions and tradeoffs that exist in the prominent questions currently in the public discourse.

Organization of Schools and Systems
The Organization of Schools and Systems section encourages submissions that use rigorous designs and analytic techniques to address questions intended to examine how schools, school systems, and other support systems can improve student outcomes. This section includes investigations focused on teacher collaboration, school and district leadership, improvement science, community and family engagement, school partnership approaches, charter school models, school turnaround, and other system-level educational reforms or interventions. Consistent with the conference theme, we encourage proposals describing rigorous research that addresses complexities related to conducting research on the implementation and effects of different approaches to improving schools and systems.

Postsecondary Education
The section on Postsecondary Education invites submissions examining policies, programs, and practices designed to improve students’ access to, transitions into, and completion of postsecondary education. Studies of innovative reforms around equity, classroom experience (pedagogy or curriculum), student support services (e.g., counseling, advising, tutoring, mentoring), financing college, out-of-school activities, remediation, dual enrollment, non traditional students, student mindset, pathways, academic momentum, and career and technical education are all encouraged. Consistent with the conference theme, proposals that describe rigorous research that addresses tensions and tradeoffs related to conducting research on the implementation and effects of approaches for supporting postsecondary transitions will be prioritized, including fidelity, cost, and sustainability. Studies that describe collaborations among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers or studies that explicate transitions and facilitate effective and scalable action will align well with the conference theme.

Education in Global Contexts
The section on Education in Global Contexts encourages submissions that explore the effectiveness of education interventions at all levels, including early childhood, primary, secondary, vocational/technical, and post-secondary education: (a) in non-U.S. contexts or (b) with a focus on generalizability across multiple national contexts or in a global context. In the global arena, studies situated in (and/or originating from) low- and middle-income countries, as well as high-income countries other than the United States, are of particular interest. We encourage the submission of symposia and panels that pair findings from domestic and international settings as well as symposia that deliver cross-contextual lessons. Consistent with the conference theme, special consideration will be given to submissions that address the complex demands for evidence and the implicit tensions and tradeoffs that exist in non-U.S. contexts.